If you have a vehicle insured under your personal auto policy with comprehensive and collision, generally speaking, physical damage to a rented vehicle which is a private passenger vehicle, pick up or van extends to the rented vehicle with the same deductibles. Unfortunately, the rental car contract may make you responsible for more than what is covered by your policy. For accidents that involve substantial damage, some rental car companies can make a charge for diminished value. They can also charge more for loss of use than the amount that would be covered by your policy. Some rental car companies will charge the full value of the vehicle to your credit card until your insurance company settles the claim. Depending on the cost of purchasing collision damage waiver from the rental company and the length of your rental and any details of your travel, you may want to consider purchasing the collision damage waiver to reduce or eliminate these exposures.
Home > Auto > I am renting a vehicle on vacation in the US or Canada. What coverage do I need to purchase from the rental car company?