If you’re planning a vacation, have a summer or winter home, or maybe you have an older relative who has to stay at a rehab facility temporarily, the last thing you want to think about is something happening to your home while you’re gone. If you’re preparing for some time away, there are steps you can take to avoid finding you have to file a claim when you return.
Adjust Your Heating and Cooling
You don’t want to pay for electricity you’re not using while you’re away, but you also don’t want your home to sustain damage from being too cold or too hot. Setting your thermostat to a stable temperature between 54 degrees and 80 degrees prevents condensation, freezing pipes, and other temperature issues that can lead to damage.
Turn Off Water to Major Appliances
Leaks are a common source of homeowners claims. When you’re away for vacation, there is the potential to sustain major damage to your home. Turn off your main water supply or water to major appliances while you’re away to protect your home from flooding.
Unplug Electronics
Even if you aren’t using them, your electronics pull electricity. Unplug your electronics to save on your electric bill and prevent electrical fires while you’re away.
Clean Your Home
Pests are another source of damage while you’re away. Make sure to clean your home, dishes, and remove old food and garbage that would attract vermin or bugs.
Secure Your Home
Double check all the locks on doors and windows before leaving and close curtains or blinds. Installing timers for the lights in your home helps give the impression that someone is home, even if they aren’t. Another great security feature is doorbell cameras which can sense motion around the camera and help you see who is at your door.
Schedule Check-ins
It’s a good idea to have someone check in periodically on the property to ensure there are no problems.