There are many situations that call for the purchase of individual health insurance coverage. An individual or family may need coverage because they are not covered under a group insurance plan. They may need coverage because they have not met a waiting period to be covered under group insurance. They may need coverage because they are not working full time and are not eligible for group insurance coverage. They may need coverage because they are temporarily unemployed or a student who is not eligible to be covered as a dependent. Even those employed who are eligible for group insurance coverage may choose to insure themselves or dependents under individual health insurance plans to reduce costs. Most individual health insurance plans are individually underwritten. This means that rates may be adjusted to cover health conditions or conditions may be excluded. Individuals with recent or serious medical problems may be declined for individual health insurance coverage. Most plans available today are HMO or PPO plans. HMO plans require that you pick a primary care physician and obtain a referral from your primary care doctor for other medical services. PPO plans allow access to participating providers without referrals. Some plans may have prescription coverage included with small co-payments. Other plans may provide calendar year deductibles and cover prescription drugs only after the calendar year deductible has been met for all medical expenses. Current individual medical HMO plans are available from Keystone and Aetna. PPO plans, including high deductible (HSA) plans are available from Aetna. Competitive PPO and HSA options are also available through Golden Rule (a United Healthcare company) and Assurant Health (Time Insurance). Additional options may be available for the self-employed. Short term medical coverage may serve the needs of those who need coverage for a limited period of time. Check out resources listed on our health insurance menu. These include rates, applications, online quoting and online applications.